Certificate Number: 11-HS776659-1-PDA
Confirmation of Product Type Approval 25/SEP/2012
Please refer to the "Service Restrictions" shown below to determine if Unit Certification is required for this product.
This is to certify that, pursuant to the Rules of the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), the manufacturer of the below listed product held a valid Manufacturing Assessment (MA) with expiration date of 13/MAY/2015. The
continued validity of the Manufacturing Assessment is dependent on completion of satisfactory audits as required by the ABS Rules.
And; a Product Design Assessment (PDA) valid until 18/SEP/2017 subject to continued compliance with the Rules or standards used in the evaluation of the product.
The above entitle the product to be called Product Type Approved.
The Product Design Assessment is valid for products intended for use on ABS classed vessels, MODUs or facilities which are in existence or under contract for construction on the date of the ABS Rules used to evaluate the Product.
ABS makes no representations regarding Type Approval of the Product for use on vessels, MODUs or facilities built after the date of the ABS Rules used for this evaluation.
Due to wide variety of specifications used in the products ABS has evaluated for Type Approval, it is part of our contract that; whether the standard is an ABS Rule or a non-ABS Rule, the Client has full responsibility for continued compliance with the standard.
Model Name(s): FM 200 ADS Series Engineered Fire Suppression System
Presented to:
United States
Intended Service: Marine & Offshore Application - Machinery Space and Cargo Pump Rooms
Description: Total Flooding Clean Agent FM-200 Engineered Fire Suppression System.
Ratings: Ratings to be in accordance with Manual P/N 90-ADSMAR-001. See attached 'pdf.
Service Restrictions: 1. The Type Approval only covers the individual control, activation, distribution, and alarm components as listed in document 90-ADSMAR-001 June 2012; Complete details for each FM-200 Fire Suppression System installation must be submitted to an ABS Technical Office for review and approval and are to include the following:
a) System schematic and arrangement drawings indicating compliance with 4-7-3/3 of the Steel Vessels Rules; 5-2-3/3 of the MODU Rules; SOLAS Ch. II-2/Reg. 10.4 and IMO MSC/Circ. 848 as amended by MSC.1/Circ. 1267;
b) Control arrangement and location of release boxes;
c) Capacity calculations in accordance with Rules requirements (Minimum concentration shall not be less than 8.7% for USCG approved applications protecting machinery spaces, and otherwise in accordance with Table 3-1 of document 90-ADSMAR-001 of June 2012.
d) Complete Bill of materials (including shipyard pipework);
e) Storage arrangements for the agent cylinders indicating compliance with SVR 4-7-3/3.1.9 and SOLAS Ch. II-2/Reg. 10.4.3; The temperature of the cylinder storage area is to be between 32°F and 130°F;
f) Control arrangements for closing all openings and stopping of ventilation fans;
g) Equipment such as cables, alarms, etc. as applicable are to be suitable for the space in which they are intended;
h) All piping, electrical and mechanical components part numbers are to be listed in the "FM-200 Marine ADS Series Engineered Fire Suppression System - Design, Installation, Operation and Maintenance for Marine FM-200 System" P/N 90-ADSMAR-001, June 2012;
2) Documentation verifying design, fabrication and inspection in accordance with DOT Spec. of each FM-200 cylinder, is to be made available to the Surveyor attending installation; Refer to 4-7-1/1 of the Steel Vessels Rules & USCG Certificate No. 162.161/7/0;
3) Acceptance of the agent by the appropriate Flag Administration
4) For installations not governed by SOLAS, acceptance by the Flag Administration of the SOLAS compliant storage of extinguishing medium within the protected space, if applicable.
Comments: The Manufacturer has provided a declaration about the control of, or the lack of Asbestos in this product. Storage of extinguishing medium outside the protected space is the default configuration. However storage within the protected space is a viable option where there is no storage space available outside the protected space or where techincal limitations of the agent discharge restrict agent cylinder placement. USCG requirements for storage inside small spaces (<6000 cu. ft.) include mechanical rate of rise detection, atuomatic acitvation, mechanical activation requiring 2 actions, and readily accessible horizontal means of escape. USCG requirements for storage inside large spaces include time delay, predischarge alarm, dual loop actuation circuits, and that each FM200 cylinder activated by primary and secondary pilot gas (not by FM200 from a master).
Notes/Documentation: Identifyable Data: *P/N 90-FM200M-130, dated February 2004, ADS Series Engineered Fire Suppression Systems, Software Manual Version 3.02. Kidde Fire Systems. *P/N 90-ADSMAR-001,dated June 2012, FM-200 Marine ADS Series Engineered Fire Suppression System, Design, Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual. *UL Report File EX4674, dated 3 Mar. 2005, Special Service Investigation of HFC-227ea ADS Clean Agent Extinguishing System Units, Marine *UL Report File EX4674, dated 5 Aug. 2002. Revised 27 June 2012 - Report on Clean Agent Extinguishing System Units; *UL Report File EX4674, dated 8 Mar 2005 Report on Clean Agent Extinguishing System Units, Marine (GOYW);
Term of Validity: This Product Design Assessment (PDA) Certificate 11-HS776659-1-PDA, dated 19/Sep/2012 remains valid until 18/Sep/2017 or until the Rules or specifications used in the assessment are revised (whichever occurs first). This PDA is intended for a product to be installed on an ABS classed vessel, MODU or facility which is in existence or under contract for construction on the date of the ABS Rules or specifications used to evaluate the Product. Use of the Product on an ABS classed vessel, MODU or facility which is contracted after the validity date of the ABS Rules and specifications used to evaluate the Product, will require re-evaluation of the PDA. Use of the Product for non ABS classed vessels, MODUs or facilities is to be to an agreement between the manufacturer and intended client.
ABS Rules: 2012 Steel Vessels Rules 1-1-4/7.7,1-1-A3; 4-7-3/3, 2012 MODU 5-2-3/3
National Standards/International Standards: FSS Code Chapter 5.2.5, IMO MSC/Circ.848 as amended by MSC.1/Circ. 1267, Reg. II-2/10.4 SOLAS.
Government Authority: US Coast Guard Approval No: 162.161/7/0, Issued: 10 August 2012 Expires: 10 August 2017
Model Certificate: PDA
Model Certificate No: 11-HS776659-1-PDA
Issue Date: 19/SEP/2012
Expiry Date: 18/SEP/2017
ABS Programs
ABS has used due diligence in the preparation of this certificate and it represents the information on the product in the ABS Records as of the date and time the certificate was printed. Type Approval requires Drawing Assessment, Prototype Testing and assessment of the manufacturer's quality assurance and quality control arrangements. Limited circumstances may allow only Prototype Testing to satisfy Type Approval. The approvals of Drawings and Products remain valid as long as the ABS Rule, to which they were assessed, remains valid. ABS cautions manufacturers to review and maintain compliance with all other specifications to which the product may have been assessed. Further, unless it is specifically indicated in the description of the product; Type Approval does not necessarily waive witnessed inspection or survey procedures (where otherwise required) for products to be used in a vessel, MODU or facility intended to be ABS classed or that is presently in class with ABS. Questions regarding the validity of ABS Rules or the need for supplemental testing or inspection of such products should, in all cases, be addressed to ABS.
File Name: | kidde-fenwal-american-bureau-of-shipping-abs-11-HS776659-1-pda-confirmation-of-product-type-approval-fm200-ads-series-engineered-fire-suppression-system.pdf |
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Last Updated: | 14-05-2021 |
Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. Total Flooding Clean Agent FM-200 Engineered Fire Suppression System, Marine ECS Series. Machinery Space, Cargo Pump Rooms & Other Enclosed Spaces.
EC Declaration of Conformity - Kidde Fire Systems Marine ECS HFC-227ea Fire Suppression System.
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Certificate - GAQF.EX5054 Clean Agent Extinguishing System Units.
U.S. Coast Guard Certification - Kidde-Fenwal, Inc. HFC-227ea total flooding clean agent fixed fire extinguishing systems. ECS series systems for the protection of machinery spaces, cargo pump rooms, and other enclosed spaces.
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Certificate - GOYWC.EX4674 Clean Agent Extinguishing System Units, Marine.
Kidde Fire Systems - FM Approvals Certificate ECS Fire Suppression System with HFC-227ea Agent.